As we have been in class discussing the new freedoms that have come about with the new ages of thinking, I have realized more and more that I am in the midst of the changing of an age. A couple of weeks ago our class discussed how the invention of the printing press opened up a world of knowledge to those who could read. There was suddenly many more possibilities for learning religion and news of the world. Also, today in class the topic of the American frontier came up. On the frontier people could be what ever they wanted. They no longer had to have the vocation of their fathers. This is similar to today.
Today we have a whole new world of knowledge opening up that is free and easy to access. There is virtually no limit to the information that can be found on the internet. One doesn't really even have to know how to read to access most of it, thanks to video streaming. As far as being able to have a career of your choice, the sky's the limit. If someone is willing to work and make opportunities for themselves the world is open to them.
I have been able to experience this to a small degree. I will be the first kid in my family to receive a bachelors degree. I have been able to travel to many countries since i left home, and I have been able to publish a book of photos. Publishing a book is something that is very easy these days because access to the tools necessary are free to all who have a computer. I am the first in my family to publish a book, but now that it has been made so easy there can be many more published. Have a look.