Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hanging out in the clouds

For the assignment in class I got to learn about cloud computing. At first I thought that it would be much to advanced for my minuscule knowledge of computers. I started the search on Google because that's where all of the answers in the world come from, right? That lead me to a youtube video that explained what cloud computing was. I have never used youtube for educational purposes and didn't even know there was quality stuff on there. I learn new thing s everyday! I found out that I do know what cloud computing is as do most of you probably. I just didn't know it was called that.

Getting down to business these days almost requires cloud computing. It is when you use remote software or processing and storage. I am pretty sure we have all done this. Google docs is a common form of this. This allows for computers to do many more things with only a high speed internet connection. You no longer need tons of ram and memory and processing power when someone else provides that for you. Nice. Prof. Burton has also introduces us to Prezi which is another form of this some concept. So off we go to compute and such, whatever that means.


  1. Thank you so much for clearing this up! I had been wondering for a while what "the cloud" was, and everyone else seemed to know! Now what I know what is I'm beginning to think of "the cloud" as the very beginning of open software and the like because your data is no longer only available (copyrighted) to you. Thanks again for the insight!

  2. I wonder if you could embed the YouTube video into this post. It sounds really helpful and I know I would enjoy seeing it.

    The key thing about the cloud is that a third party provides computing resources over the Internet. You could setup your own server to run blogging or email services, and a lot of companies have done that. By using cloud computing, you don't have to worry about running the computers yourself -- someone else does it for you, and you just pay for the computing and storage resources you use on a monthly basis. It's revolutionizing the way business is conducted on the Internet.
