Tuesday, September 7, 2010

technology and old people

So, last class we talked about new tech and incorporating it in our lives. While we were discussing in class I was thinking that I am a little bit behind the curve on that. I feel like the older you are the harder it is in general to incorporate new tech in their/ our lives. I am 29 and grew up with a rotary phone and a regular Nintendo. I didn't have a cell phone until I was 23. I feel like this has had a big influence on my tendency not to incorporate a lot of tech in my life. In fact recently I made a goal to not use tech as much as I used to. I think that this class is going to make me put that goal on hold:)


  1. I kind of know what you mean. I didn't have a cell-phone until much later than a lot of my friends, and I still don't enjoy texting (it takes me about five minutes just to say "How are you.") I guess I'm a little behind that way, but I am excited about improving my technological skills through this class.

  2. I also have tried to cut back on technology lately, so this class is kind of changing that for me. One reason I'd tried to cut back is I didn't like having so much social interaction be through technology. I really like how this class is teaching us that we can connect with others in the digital world, but there are also lots of other great ways to learn and benefit from the technology we have.

  3. Keep your eye on the topic of "digital natives." You'll find those of the younger generation don't have magical intuitive technical skills; they're just more used to computers and interacting via cell phones, etc. That doesn't mean they use good judgment with the tools they have or even know which tools should serve what purpose. Like Katherine, I also think it is wise to pull back from technology at times. It can swamp you and distort perspective.

  4. Where do you put an end to putting the hold on technology? Do you use a fire out back or do you use the microwave in the kitchen to cook that frozen burrito? Do you make a quick run to New York City to see a show, or do you just flip on the TV? OK then, do you take off on a long drive across the hot desert & just hope the car will run OK, or do you take a cell phone, get AAA, & get a tune-up & full tank of gas first?

    Technology is truly a God-send, IF we use it wisely! I'm sure that good men and women were inspired to invent, create, improve, and develop the technology that we take for granted.

    So what do YOU do with the extra time you have on hand?!
