Thursday, November 4, 2010

Me, Myself and Freud

First, what is up with all these famous people with only one name?

Second, Freud teaches that there are 3 sides to the human psyche. The id, ego and super-ego. Id is the impulsive child-like portion. Ego is the link or balance between the id and super-ego. The super-ego is the moralistic portion. All of these
parts work together to form you.

This is a concept that is new to me but at the same time I feel like I have known it all along. All of us, or most of us feel like there are different sides to us. Different situations call for different sides of us. This makes sense. But, I have spent a lot of my energies trying to merge all sides of myself into one whole self. I don't want to have any part of myself that I feel like I have to hide or repress. I am not sure that these are exactly the same thing, but I feel that they are at least correlated. Now that I better understand the psyches was all of that effort in vein?

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